Call: 07710 636969
Office: 01733 202969
Chris is the Managing Director of GCE Hire Fleet and has been in the Heavy plant industry his whole career.
Chris started GCE in 1988 and has built the company into the leading heavy plant hire & used equipment supplier it is today, with two key guiding principles of quality over quantity and a passion for a deal.
Call: 07734 820467
Office: 01733 202969
Dan joined GCE as General Manager in August 2022. Coming from a background in banking and IT, Dan is responsible for the day to day running and strategic direction of GCE. He has brought a fresh look and thinking to the business, bringing it into the 21st century whilst working closely with Chris to maintain GCE’s customer focus and core family values.
Call: 01733 202969
Mark is our Financial Controller and has worked in finance for over 40 years. His experience has given him a wealth of knowledge.
He is a family man, loves to travel and has a great sense of humour, but we do have to forgive him for being a massive Peterborough United fan!
Call: 07842 029529
Office: 01733 202969
Katie joined GCE as Executive Assistant in May 2023 and has come from an education background.
Her main roles include social media platforms, the website and marketing.
She is also a fully qualified dance teacher so works part time at GCE and then heads off to teach (and boogie!) in the evenings.
Call: 07949 411431
Office: 01733 202969
Jack really is a ‘Jack Of All Trades’.
He joined GCE in August 2022 with a background in agricultural engineering & specialising in vehicle electrics.
Diagnosing issues, fixing those issues or rebuilding engines, he is the driving force behind the Maintenance & Servicing department at GCE.
Call: 01733 202969
Luke joined GCE in July 2024 and has worked in plant for over 14 years. He has worked on all sized plant from the tiny tools in a residential garden to crushers and screeners on quarry sites. Luke is a great asset to GCE, bringing a wealth of knowledge in all areas of maintenance, repairs and fabrication. When not at work Luke’s passion is cars, cars….and more cars. “I race ‘em, break ‘em, fix ‘em – repeat.” Owning his own custom fabrication workshop & regularly attending car shows, he eats & breathes the automotive world .
Call: 01733 202969
Vasi has been at GCE since October 2017 and is responsible for the cleaning and visual appearance of our machinery.
His attention to detail is excellent and no matter where a machine has to go around the world, he ensures all stringent cleaning requirements are exceeded.
Call: 01733 202969
Zara joined GCE as a Trainee Engineer in July 2024 having just completed her BTEC L3 Extended Diploma in Advanced Manufacturing Engineering at Peterborough College. Zara has a passion for green energy engineering and we are really excited to see where her career takes her.
When not at GCE, Zara spends most of her free time at Oundle Rugby Club as not just a player but also a coach and referee.
Call: 01733 202969
Freddie has recently celebrated his 6th birthday and over the years has taken his job at GCE extremely seriously. Although he is often found lying in the sunshine or lounging around in his bed, he ensures that everyone who enters the premises under goes a full personality analysis and are fully vetted. He is also one of our most expensive employees costing the business approximately two treats and three belly scratches per hour and two daily strolls.